Part of the Rotamec Group

Syrup, Margarine & Sugar Mixing System

During 2015 CovElec were approached to design and build a syrup, margarine and sugar mixing system. The blended syrup mix is made to stored recipes, then fed to two mixing stations on the production floor below.


This system needed to be able to allow any of the three tanks to discharge to any of the two mixers on the production floor below. Further, the system can transfer from any tank to either of the other two. In addition the tanks require periodic cleaning, with the waste water being pumped to drain.


The 3 main mixing tanks, each capable of storing hot syrup at over 100degC are mounted on weigh cells along with the mixers for accurate mixing and discharge. The system is fully automated with HMI control to the valves, pumps and a sugar auger.


The client selects the tank to load and time, the system checks the sugar auger position before accepting the command.

The system has given the client the capacity to double production with fewer operatives in a much safer and controlled manor. The system is shown without the access platforms or pipework lagging.

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